Trials In Tainted Space Save

Trials In Tainted Space Trail In Tainted Space Wiki This is the better check to figure out how she was recruited - you can do her quest and then blow tarkus up after the fact.' , ' Stage of the Deck 13 quest. From Trials in Tainted Space Wiki. Jump to: navigation, search. This page is a combination of all ship pages Contents. The amount of space a ship has to install ship equipment. Empty modules can instead be used to increase crew capacity. Without the Perfect Simulant status effect as it requires the use of certain Fated Names or save.

There’s some legwork to be done before meeting Feruze on Dhaal – namely attending a high class party to make connections and perhaps gain some intel on who – if anyone – knows where the probe is! This patch includes an early version of the party, still lacking some polish (and prizes), but I will be looking at adding a cheat code so that it can be revisited if you want to try it now without missing out on rewards.

0.8.111 Changelog:

Trials In Tainted Space Save
  • New Party even on Dhaal! To start it off, head to the northmost Taxi station (and I don’t mean the one in the spaceport). Depending on your actions at the party, you’ll get to meet one of Dhaal’s CEOs and, perhaps, even curry enough favor to receive a gift (PRIZES NOT YET IMPLIMENTED).
    • Note: you need appropriate party attire to attend. Appropriate clothing is sold on Dhaal. If you think other classy outerwear should also be tagged as appropriate, feel free to report it as a bug, and I’ll make a call on it tomorrow.
  • New Busts: Zaika Peers (3x + Nude variants), XOs (Dhaal cybernetic security gals), Male Zil.
  • New Dane blowjob image in the image pack, courtesy of SheepPun.

Trials in Tainted Space cheats and console commands So, you can use the following console commands to cheat your way through Tainted Space. Treatment: Forces the treatment to use the default effects. (Won’t activate until one of the other treatment cheats is activated). Trials In Tainted Space Trail In Tainted Space Wiki This is the better check to figure out how she was recruited - you can do her quest and then blow tarkus up after the fact.' , ' Stage of the Deck 13 quest.

Tomorrow’s patch should polish up bugs, add in the missing rewards, and give you guys a cheat code to replay it. Savin did fantastic work on writing the event, and I hope you guys enjoy it.

P.S. There’s two hidden mini-events in the party that can proc featuring Anno or Beth Carver, depending on their states and previous interactions.

If you like what you play, consider backing us on Patreon or SubscribeStar!

This page is a combination of all ship pages

  • 2List of Ships
  • 3Ship Stats
  • 4Ship upgrades
  • 5Ship Gadgets
    • 5.2Ship weapons
      • 5.2.2Non-turret weapons
      • 5.2.3Turret weapons
      • 5.2.4All Ship weapons
    • 5.3Ship decorations
    • 5.4Ship Installables


Ships are primarily used for transporting Captain Steele and his crew

Aside from transportation, there are a few extra things Steele can do while inside their ship.

  • Safely sleep
  • Masturbate
  • Shower to remove status effects including
    • All types of cumflation
    • Cum covered
    • Mare musk
    • Pussy plugged
    • Sweaty

Ships are also used in ship combat against other ships.

List of Ships

Acquirable Ships

Stats below are as purchased/obtained if all player stats are at 0
Armor Stats
Name Shields Shield Def Armor Armor Def Max Energy Power
Agility Sensors Systems Thrust Accuracy Evasion Module/
Misc Base Price
Casstech Z14 3000 20 2015 30 200 25 20 14 25 33 21.5 36.5 4 2Machine Gun 10 Preinstalled: Laser Cannon 27200
Ova'LEK 3500 30 2515 20 350 15 40 40 30 32 55 56 6 4(none) 20 34999
Colt XLR 1000 10 5015 40 250 32 25 30 15 40 32.5 45 6 3Machine Gun 30 26399
Spearhead SS 3000 20 1515 15 250 20 35 25 35 35 42.5 52.5 6 4Laser Cannon
EM Cannon
20 44999
Moondast Gruss 0 0 7015 50 300 38 10 20 20 45 30 32.5 4 3Coil Cannon
Repair Module
5 50000
MS-XI 5000 30 2015 20 300 50 26 45 40 25 75 38.5 9 4Missile Turret
Shield Booster
30 249999
Clydesdale K7 3000 20 2515 10 200 25 10 35 20 40 30 22.5 14 2EM Turret 50 Bonus crew capacity + 2 299999
Sledgehammer 4000 30 4015 50 300 50 45 20 45 45 32.5 62.5 7 4Thermal Cannon
Shield Disruptor

25 (Wardrobe)
25 (Equipment)
10 (Consumables)
10 (Valuables)
10 (Toys)

Sidewinder 6000 30 6015 45 400 85 30 65 55 120 92.5 90 10 3Heavy Armor 30 1499967
Blade 3500 60 3500 60 350 75 70 25 50 45 62.5 92.5 8 4Laser Cannon
Missile Turret
40 800855

Enemy Ships

Stats below are as during combat thus as affected by upgrades

Armor Stats
Name Shields Shield Def Armor Armor Def Max Energy Power
Agility Sensors Systems Thrust Accuracy* Evasion* Modules
Modified Z7 500 20 3515 20 150 30 40 20 15 40 12.5 55Machine Gun
Thermal Cannon
Repair Module
Dr. Teyaal’s MS-XI 6000 50 2015 10 400 50 26 100 70 25 125 33Thermal Cannon
Laser Cannon
Coil Cannon
Shield Upgrade
Tuned Emitters
Shield Vampire
Capacitor Bank
Shield Disruptor
Star Viper Spearhead SS 2000 20 4515 55 250 50 35 25 35 35 42.5 52.5Sensor Suite
Stealth Field Generator
Heavy Armor
Heavy Armor

* Accuracy and evasion stats have to be calculated manually and may be wrong

Ship Stats

List of stats and their purposes


  • First layer of health a ship has. Can be regenerated in combat with certain ship gadgets and will fully regenerate after leaving combat.
Shield Def
  • Reduces the damage taken to the ship's shield health per an attack. Making it more effective against double shot and full auto Ship weapons.
  • The second and final layer of health a ship has. Can be regenerated in combat with certain ship gadgets, or slowly outside of combat by a dockmaster NPC such as Vahn or Shekka if she is a crew member. Requires a ship to be in port for repairs.
Armor Def
  • Reduces the damage taken to the ship's armor health per an attack. Making it more effective against double shot and full auto Ship weapons.
Ship Energy Store
  • The maximum amount of energy a ship can store at any one time. Ship energy is used to fire weapons and use certain ship gadgets. You will always begin combat with full ship energy.
Ship Energy Generation
  • The amount of energy a ship will generate each combat turn. Using the Recharge! ability will double the ship's energy generation for that round, but prevent the use of other equipment.
  • The primary stat used to calculate ship evasion. Is twice as effective at increasing evasion.
  • The primary stat used to calculate ship accuracy. Is twice as effective at increasing accuracy.
  • Secondary stat used to calculate ship accuracy. Is additionally used offensively and defensively for 'system checks' in combat.
  • Secondary stat used to calculate ship evasion. Is additionally used in combat to determine escape chance when using Escape!.
  • Determines the chance to hit with the ship's weapons when using Battle! during combat.
  • Determines the chance a ship has to completely avoid damage from an attack. Can be boosted during a combat round when using Evade! at the cost of preventing ship equipment use for that combat round.
Module/Crew Capacity
  • The amount of space a ship has to install ship equipment. Empty modules can instead be used to increase crew capacity.
Weapon Capacity
  • The number of hardpoints a ship has to install ship weapons. Unless otherwise noted, ship weapons also require a module.
Fixed Equipment
  • Ship weapons, upgrades and gadgets that can not be removed and do not count against the ship equipment limit.
Storage space
  • Determines total space per item type (Wardrobe, Equipment, Consumables, Valuables, and Toys) in Storage that a ship can hold.
Bonus crew capacity
  • Additional crew capacity that is not affected by Module/Crew Capacity.

Calculated Values

Below is a list of how to calculate certain ship variables (prior to ship ownership and item bonuses)

  • Ship thrust/2 + Ship agility


  • Ship systems/2 + Ship sensors

Ship Stat Bonuses

Ships owned by Captain Steele receive a bonus to certain stats based on Steele's own stats

  • +Reflexes/4


  • +Aim/4


Trials in tainted space save editor apk
  • +(Physique/(Steele's level *50)*100)% Bonus armor
    • The highest achievable bonus is*
      • 12% at max physique with Quivering Quasarstatus effect and Signet of Bravery as accessory equiped
      • 10% at max physique without bonuses


  • +(Willpower/(Steele's level *20)*100)% Bonus shields
    • The highest achievable bonus is*
      • 30% with 'Iron Will'perk
      • 25% without 'Iron Will'perk

Weapon Damage (hidden)

  • +Aim/2

* Highest achievable bonus is calculated at level 10, without the Perfect Simulantstatus effect as it requires the use of certain Fated Names or save editing to acquire.

Ship upgrades

Ship upgrades are all the items that when installed change the ship's stats. In exchange for a Crew/Module slot

Acquirable Ship upgrades

Ship upgrade stats
Name Stat Changes Additional Resistances Flags Base Price
Advanced Quarters

Bonus crew capacity +1

Ship Equipment 10000
Auxiliary Thrusters

Thrust +25

Ship Equipment 6000
Hardened System

System +25

Ship Equipment 6000
Heavy Armor

Armor Defense +25

Ship Equipment 6000
Power Core Tuner

Evasion -2
Power Generation +15

Ship Equipment 7500
Redundant Plating

Armor +1000

Ship Equipment 6000
Sensor Suite

Sensors +25

Ship Equipment 6000
Shield Upgrade

Shields +1000

Ship Equipment 6000
Thrust Vectoring System

Agility +20

Ship Equipment 6000
Tuned Emitters

Shield Def +20

Ship Equipment 6000

Ship Gadgets

Ship Gadgets are items that when installed give the ship a special ability.

Acquirable Ship Gadgets

Ship upgrade stats
Name Energy Use Flags Special effect Misc Base Price
Capacitor Bank 0 Ship Equipment
  • 1x/fight
  • fully restore your Ship's energy
Capacitor Vampire 5 Ship Equipment
  • 1x/fight
  • drain up to 1000 energy from your opponent and add it to you own
    • Must pass a systems check* to be effective
Repair Module 0 Ship Equipment
  • 1x/fight
  • restore 3400-3599 armor points
Shield Booster 50 Ship Equipment
  • 1x/fight
  • restore 3900-4099 shield points
Shield Disruptor 50 Ship Equipment
  • 1x/fight
  • drain up to half of the enemy's shield
    • Must pass a systems check* to be effective
Systems +5 3000
Shield Vampire 75 Ship Equipment
  • 1x/fight
  • attempt to steal up to 2500 of the enemy's shield points and add them to your own
    • Must pass a systems check* to be effective

* systems check ((Your systems/2 +(1 to 20)) must be greater than or equal to (Target systems/2 + 10))

Ship weapons

Ship weapons are all the items that can be equipped as a ship weapon.

Each non-standard weapon requires a Mod/Crew Capacity slot to install

Weapons with the turret flag require a crew member capable of piloting them

List of crew members capable of piloting turrets


Double Shot
  • Weapon fires twice per a combat round
Full Auto
  • Weapon fires four times per a combat round
Crewed Turret
  • Requires a crew member to fire the weapon

Non-turret weapons

Weapons that do not require a crew member capable of piloting turrets to function

Trials In Tainted Space Save Editing

List of non turret weapons weapons
Ranged Weapon Stats
Name Physical Damage Detailed Damage Defense Energy Use Accuracy Evasion Damage Flags Special Flags Misc Base Price
Coil Cannon 500 500 Kinetic -10 70 0 0 Bullet
Energy Weaponry
Energy Weapon
Ship Equipment
EM Cannon 150 150 Electric 0 46 0 0 Bullet
Energy Weaponry
Energy Weapon
Double Shot
Ship Equipment
Laser Cannon 350 350 Burning 0 60 0 0 Laser
Energy Weaponry
Energy Weapon
Ship Equipment
Machine Gun 100 100 Kinetic 0 25 -5 0 Bullet Full-Auto Fire
Ship Equipment
Missile Bay 90 45 Kinetic
45 Burning
0 30 10 0(none) Full-Auto Fire
Ship Equipment
Thermal Cannon 365 365 Burning 0 45 -10 -5 Energy Weaponry Energy Weapon
Ship Equipment

Turret weapons

Weapons that require a crew member capable of piloting turrets to function

List of turret weapons weapons
Ranged Weapon Stats
Name Physical Damage Detailed Damage Defense Energy Use Accuracy Evasion Damage Flags Special Flags Misc Base Price
EM Turret 150 150 Energy 0 92 0 0 Bullet
Energy Weaponry
Crewed Turret
Full-Auto Fire
Energy Weapon
Ship Equipment
Laser Turret 350 350 Burning 0 120 0 0 Laser
Energy Weaponry
Crewed Turret
Double Shot
Energy Weapon
Ship Equipment
Machine Gun Turret 190 190 Kinetic 0 50 -5 0 Bullet Crewed Turret
Full-Auto Fire
Ship Equipment
Missile Turret 180 90 Kinetic
90 Burning
0 60 10 0(none) Crewed Turret
Full-Auto Fire
Ship Equipment

All Ship weapons

Below is a list of all weapons for comparison purposes

Trials In Tainted Space Save Game Editor

List of all ship weapon
Ranged Weapon Stats
Name Physical Damage Detailed Damage Defense Energy Use Accuracy Evasion Damage Flags Special Flags Misc Base Price
Coil Cannon 500 500 Kinetic -10 70 0 0 Bullet
Energy Weaponry
Energy Weapon
Ship Equipment
EM Cannon 150 150 Electric 0 46 0 0 Bullet
Energy Weaponry
Energy Weapon
Double Shot
Ship Equipment
EM Turret 150 150 Energy 0 92 0 0 Bullet
Energy Weaponry
Crewed Turret
Full-Auto Fire
Energy Weapon
Ship Equipment
Laser Cannon 350 350 Burning 0 60 0 0 Laser
Energy Weaponry
Energy Weapon
Ship Equipment
Laser Turret 350 350 Burning 0 120 0 0 Laser
Energy Weaponry
Crewed Turret
Double Shot
Energy Weapon
Ship Equipment
Machine Gun 100 100 Kinetic 0 25 -5 0 Bullet Full-Auto Fire
Ship Equipment
Machine Gun Turret 190 190 Kinetic 0 50 -5 0 Bullet Crewed Turret
Full-Auto Fire
Ship Equipment
Missile Bay 90 45 Kinetic
45 Burning
0 30 10 0(none) Full-Auto Fire
Ship Equipment
Missile Turret 180 90 Kinetic
90 Burning
0 60 10 0(none) Crewed Turret
Full-Auto Fire
Ship Equipment
Thermal Cannon 365 365 Burning 0 45 -10 -5 Energy Weaponry Energy Weapon
Ship Equipment

Ship decorations

Ship decorations are items used to decorate the ship. Only one of each type is shown at a time.

Holographic posters

Currently the only type of decoration available. Can be removed by accessing Items->Unequip->Decorations menu
* Note: The poster will be visible if played in the image pack

Ship Installables

Ship installables are ship items in name only

Trials In Tainted Space Save Editor Apk

A list of all items and key items that do not give any benefits to the Ship itself or ship combat but, once 'installed' on the ship do one or more of the following

  • Has special functions with varying benefits
  • Allow access to additional content with certain characters

Trials In Tainted Space Save Editing


  • Buttslutinator
    • Permanently changes Steele's ass multiple times, before a bad end
  • Dong Designer
    • Allows modification of the player's cock
  • Egg Trainer
    • Allows use of ovalasting egg
    • Allows access to egg implantation scens
  • Mindwash Visor
    • Allows access to a solo masturbation scene and special sex scenes for Celise and Shekka
    • Available in the Storage and Masturbation menu (while on the ship)
  • Orgasmender
  • Sleep Fapnea
    • Allows manipulation of Steele's dreams

Key Items

  • Taur-centric Ship Equipment
    • Can be used to recruitment Amber

Trials In Tainted Space Save Edit

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