Hearts Of Iron 4 Millennium Dawn Mod Crash

Top 10 Nations In MILLENNIUM DAWN Mod Year 2000 In Hearts of Iron 4 (HOI4). Millennium Dawn Modern day Mod - Hearts of Iron 4 HOI4 Paradox. The French Revolution: Crash Course World History. Hello and welcome, this is Millennium Dawn Classic - it is reupload of the original MD. Nothing is changed, it is just updated to latest version of HOI4. Mod checked on game version: 1.10.1. Updated for version 1.10; Fixed few errors; Fixed missing GFXconctructionlineglow; Version 01.07.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.1 - 1.9.3).

Hearts of iron 4 millennium dawn mod crash site

This guide is for people who would like some of the mechanics of the new MD merger update explained or have some basic tips for starting out, it will be expanded over time.

The Merge and new Features

Modern Day 4 and Millenium Dawn have decided to merge their mods into one, the new mod mostly uses the MD4 Map and Units while retaining some MD focus tree among other things.

Newly added features since the merge are:

  • Taxes, Money and debt
  • Investing into nations via building
  • Influencing Nations
  • 24 Ideologies for the 5 Outlooks and many Leader Portraits for these ideologies
  • 2000 start date (based off of MD4)
  • New Generic Focus Tree and some new Focus trees
  • Party Coalitions and Government Popularity
  • Land Doctrines and a few new Techs
  • Many new decisions

Economy (Money and International Investment)

One of the new features is an Economy System, you have a Daily Income, Daily Expenditures and Debt

You can change the Tax Rate ingame via clicking on the + or – under your Leader Portrait, each click costs 50 PP and changes the tax rate by 1%. Changing the Tax Rate will be your main source of Income but be careful not to increase it too much as that will lower your Ruling Party popularity.

Resource Exports
Haven’t really figured out how this works exactly but you gain a bit of money from having resources

International Investments
You can open the Investment window by left clicking a foreign state (puppets and Allies work aswell). After clicking you should see a small window above the State window, there you can select which building you want to build, how many you want to build and can see how much time it will take and how much it will cost. After Investing the project will pop up as a decision timer showing you when its done among other infos. Investing gives you International Investment Points (refered to as IV form now on), you gain as many as you spent in the construction. You can sell off 1 IV point to gain 0.95 Cash if you really need it. You can also just gather as many IV points as possible and gain a daily income boost from it

Government Expenditure Laws
You can Find these under your Political Window in Laws, each Grant you some bonus while costing Money or sometimes even other things, you can reduce these by changing the law at the cost of PP, doing this will reduce your daily expenditure but also lower your Ruling Party Popularity. Unfortunately the tooltip won’t tell you how much you’d gain by changing the law.

Economy Growth Rate
You can find this under your Political Window in Laws, the better it is the more Tax income you get, it also increases Stability slightly and increases Construction Speed although you’ll have to pay a bunch of cash to change it, even if it gets changed via event.

You gain debt by going below 0 in your treasury, this mostly happens if you have a negative daily income or changed your Economy Growth Rate. You can also get a loan by left clicking, and pay off debt by right clicking the debt resource on the right of air experience. You have a minimum of a 0.5% Interest Rate which means you pay 0.5% of your debt as expenditure each day although if your debt is very low you don’t pay any at all.

Starter Tips:
to be added

Some Formulas:

  • Taxes + International Investments + Resource Exports = Income
  • Government Expenditure Laws + Interest on Debt = Expenditure
  • 10 (10 Cash) International Investment Points = 0.001 Daily Cash
  • 1 International Investment Point sold off = 0.95 Cash
  • Income – Expenditure = Increase or decrease in Treasury
  • Debt x Interest Rate = Daily Debt Interest Expenditure


Another new feature is Influence, similar to Victoria 2, each nation can Influence each other Nation. You open the Influence Window by right clicking a nation. Influence can be gained by clicking the buttons in the influence window, and used for economic gain, changing their party popularity or even puppeting a nation

How to gain Influence

  • Spread Influence, Costs 100 PP and gives you 4-16 power depending on your Power Status (national Spirit)
  • Give Economic Aid, costs money depending on the targets nation Economy
  • Target Other Influence, Costs 100 PP and reduces Influence of another Influencer by 10 and additionally of another by 1%, also reduces your Influence by 1%, you can target the second highest influencers (excluding you) and the Independence from foreign Influence Level of the nation.

What to use Influence For

  • Manipulate Politics, Costs 10% Influence and increases their party popularity for your outlook aswell as ideology by 5%
  • Attempt coup, costs 200 PP, has 3 outcomes based on different Factors, Succesful Coup (Change Ideology to yours), Unsuccesful Coup, and Civil War for your ideology/outlook
  • Economic Exploitation, Costs 10% influence, grants you 20% of their Civilian Factories and 20% cheaper trade but reduces relations with the target nation and their neighbors
  • Turn to Puppet, has no cost although they need to have the same outlook and you need to have 80% influence on them

Outlooks, Ideologies and Elections

Millenium Dawn had a bunch of Ideologies, Modern Day 4 had 5 Outlooks, because people liked both they decided to somehow make both work. What we ended up with is having the 5 Outlooks but subcategories, or Ideologies within these Outlooks, this was done because Ideology just isn’t as Important in the Modern Age as is general outlook on the world situation, this also fixes weird things from Millenium dawn like Social Democrats leaving a Faction with a Conservative Leader because they’re not the same Ideology

The Outlooks/Ideologies are as follows:
Western Outlook (Generally USA and the EU)

  • Pro Western Autocracy
  • Conservative
  • Liberal
  • Social Democrat

Emerging Outlook (Generally China, Russia and Iran)

  • Communist
  • Left-Wing Radical
  • Reactionary
  • Autocratic
  • Moderate Shiite Revolutionary
  • Hardline Shiite Revolutionary

Salafist Outlook (Generally Saudi Arabia and ISIS) Vermeer atlas bore planner free.

  • Wahabi Monarchist
  • Salafi Jihadism

Non Aligned Outlook

  • Moderate Islamist
  • Non Aligned Autocrats
  • Non Aligned Conservative
  • Oligarchs
  • Libertarian
  • Greens
  • Democratic Socialist
  • Non Aligned Communist

Nationalist Outlook

  • Right-Wing Populist
  • Fascist
  • Military Junta
  • Monarchy

Outlooks basically work like base game HOI4 Ideologies, if you have the same outlook as another nation you will like each other more, be more willing to join a Faction together and more willing to accept other diplomatic offers.

If your nation has Elections enabled you will see when the next one happens under your leaders Portrait. If an Election rolls in you will get some events to potentially decrease other Outlooks Popularity or potentially increase your own. You can do Propaganda Campaigns for an Outlook to increase it’s Popularity or click on the two arrows on the right of the Manage Occupied Territories button, there you can boost a small party or attack a big party which will result in an Increase/Decrease of their party popularity and thus their Outlook. You can also increase the Election Threshold in the decisions, if you, for example have a 5% election Threshold a party needs to have 5% to be Available for Coalitions.

After the Elections you will sometimes have to go into an Coalition to keep your ruling party in Power, look into the decisions tab to see who you can go into a coalition with, some parties won’t go into a coalition with some others so check that. depending on your Coalition Partners ideology you will receive a daily boost to their respective Outlook.

More of this sort of thing:

In the grand strategy space, Hearts of Iron 4 might be as grand as it gets.

It’s basically a simulation of WWII, where the outcome isn’t dictated by what’s written in the history books.

And you learn pretty quickly that war isn’t only about shooting soldiers and manning tanks. The true depth of the game lies in how it gives you a bird’s eye view of everything that goes on during wartime –politics, diplomacy, and even economy.

But if you’ve already played through this so many times and really want some fresh campaigns, modding is here to help.

And with this massive list I think you’ll be itching to try out at least a few of these.

25. HOI4 – Texture Overhaul

As with any game, one of the first things modders always improve is graphics.

Hearts Of Iron 4 is no different.

And as long as your setup can handle it, you’re going to want to download and install all 5 of AdamosTomatos’ texture packs.

The level of detail found in HOI4’s visuals is already amazing. But these just take everything up a notch.

The collection includes texture overhauls for terrain, water, borders, and citylights, as well as a shader pack to make everything look even more realistic.

24. Coloured Buttons

While the first mod was purely cosmetic, this next one makes some visual changes as well… but to serve a different purpose.

Gundahar’s Coloured Buttons mod simply color-codes the most important buttons on the otherwise dull UI of the base game, making everything much easier to navigate through.

You might have noticed that everything looks alike in the default UI, which can make it difficult to find exactly what you’re looking for.

As advertised, the mod prevents miss clicks and vitalizes a somewhat plain UI.

23. Battlesound – Sound Modification

Graphics aren’t the only thing getting upgraded in HOI4.

The music and sounds can be altered with modding as well.

This next mod in particular might not seem like much, but you’d be surprised much more immersive the game can feel.

This Battlesounds mod pack changes nearly all animation sounds in HOI4. This way, in-game sounds will actually be interesting. Instead of the repetitive gunfire and explosions you’d normally hear in the background.

22. Hearts of Iron III Music Addon

Wartime isn’t necessarily all gunfights all the time.

There will be some downtime, especially when carefully plotting political moves or managing funding for military resources.

And what better time to have a good soundtrack to keep you company?

The Hearts of Iron III Music Addon is a great option for additional music, as it doesn’t remove anything, but just adds all the music from HOI3 to the game.

Fans of the series, rejoice!

21. HOI4 Historical Flag Mod

Speaking of immersion, there are several smaller mods aimed directly at improving that.

They might not seem like much on their own, but trust me: when installed together these will make a huge difference. Especially if you’re at all familiar with history.

The first of these mods is the Historical Flag Mod, which simply replaces the flags for pretty every nation to an accurate depiction of what was actually used during the time.

20. Unique Infantry Equipment

Right alongside the previous mod you’re going to want Ulmont’s Unique Infrantry Equipment mod.

Like the previous entry, this one replaces all information and icons for infantry weapons in the game.

That’s right, all infantry equipment will now show accurate icons of what was actually used by each country, along with their proper names as well.

A definite must-have. Especially for history buffs.

19. Strategic View Adjustments

Another quality of life mod that further improves your UI?

I’ll take it!

Strategic View Adjustments makes several visual changes, all geared towards making things much more readable and easier to understand.

For one, counters are now collapsible. So they don’t obstruct your view at any time.

Several icons have also been colored and tweaked for easier visibility, along with several font adjustments and resizing to make everything much easier to read.

18. World News

I have to admit, this next one doesn’t really do much. I personally think it’s really cool though, doing a great job at making the game more immersive as well.

Modders lemonporn and LordVarangian felt that HOI4 was lacking when it comes to flavor. Other than the few news and major events throughout a campaign, there isn’t much going on.

As a result, they created the World News mod.

It essentially gives you a weekly newspaper spread similar to Victoria II’s mechanic.

It’s a great flavor mod that adds a total of 165 weekly articles on different ads, historic events, and even everyday news relevant to the time.

17. Realistic Air Missions

If you’ve played through the campaign a few times before, you’re most likely already looking for ways to expand your next session to keep things interesting.

There are several mods that can help. Pne of which is Aerodil’s Realistic Air Missions.

As you probably guessed, the mod focuses on HOI4’s aircraft system, significantly expanding on the base game’s air tech tree.

The improved tech tree includes mission capabilities for fighters, heavy fighters, medium bombers and heavy bombers, new aircraft variants, and more historical researchable aircraft types.

If you enjoy maximizing your air force, you can’t go wrong with this one.

16. Expanded Technology + Industry + Equipment

If you want to take things even further, the Expanded Technology + Industry + Equipment mod is worth looking into

The mod enhances the game’s entire tech tree, even taking it into the early 1950’s.

There are so many added options for research here, which means you’ll have to be more careful about choosing what you get. Don’t worry too much though, as an additional research slot is also granted to make room for more technological advancement as well.

15. IR Sanguinem et Lacrimas

IR Sanguinem et Lacrimas is another fantastic mod if you’re looking to expand on HOI4’s research options.

Except this time, modder Araxiel did his best to stay as close to possible to the vanilla tech tree.

Instead of making large changes, he focuses on keeping it realistic and historically accurate so as not to break the game’s immersion.

It’s definitely similar to the previous mod. But does have a unique flavor to it.

This one covers everything from amphibious tanks all the way to chemical warfare – which should make for an interesting WWII campaign.

14. Hearts of Iron: New World Order

New World Order is another wonderful expansion option which offers its own unique approach to enhancing HOI4’s gameplay.

Modders Pearl and Protroid decided to place their focus on improving political systems instead of tech trees, with the ultimate goal of changing how you make decisions for your nation during your playthrough.

Manpower laws are heavily expanded here, as well as the introduction of press and women’s rights laws – making for a wider range of possibilities within the game’s politics system.

This should make for some interesting changes in how the war pans out for sure.

13. The Road to 56

The Road to 56 is widely considered to be the best HOI4 expansion mod available. And it takes it even further than tech tree enhancements.

While the mod does expand the tech tree, it also extends the entire game’s timeline all the way to 1956.

With that, The Road to 56 then classifies itself as an alternate history mod, as it also makes way for outcomes that wouldn’t be possible in vanilla.

That’s not all: as the mod features new units, a new troop experience system, and expanded difficulty modifiers, among other changes.

12. Expert AI 4.0

If you’re still enjoying vanilla HOI4, you might want to consider taking the difficulty level up a notch.

Expert AI 4.0 is the perfect way to do so, bringing a much more aggressive AI to your campaign experience.

You’ll find that the enemy AI is much less predictable with this installed, as they’ve been given enhanced decision-making skills covering everything from division designs, research, diplomacy, construction, and even combat strategy.

It won’t be an easy playthrough for sure.

But if you’re up for a challenge, go ahead and give this a shot.

11. Endsieg: Ultimate Victory

There are always the mods for players who are looking for a much more extensive overhaul of the game.

We read you loud and clear.

And there are loads of options for HOI4, each having plenty to offer – which only means you’ll have lots of options for when you feel like the game you’re playing just isn’t as exciting as it used to be.

Endsieg: Ultimate Victory already gives you a number of options once you get this installed, allowing you to choose between 8 different starting points. But that’s just the beginning.

You’ll be able to start as early as 1910, just at the eve of WWI, or all the way up to 1945 as WWII is coming to an end.

10. Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War

Similar to Endsieg, Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War takes you all the way back to 1910.

The difference is mainly that this mod places all of its focus on the events of WWI.

With that, you get a much more detailed playthrough of the era.

This is achieved through overhauled focus trees for relevant nations as well as new weapons, doctrines, and technologies that are all relevant to the time period.

The mod looks great as well, as it includes custom 3D models for infantry and vehicles.

9. Führerreich: Legacy of The Great War

Hearts Of Iron 4 Updated Mods

Now that you’ve played through WWI, why not spice things up with another alternative history mod?

Führerreich: Legacy of The Great War takes you to the events directly following The Great War, where Germany has lost to the Allied powers.

While the next decade was relatively peaceful for most of the world, it appears as though another global conflict is brewing in the 1930’s.

Other than the alt-history scenario, the mod comes with a completely overhauled political system, a reworked map, and new ideologies, events, focus trees, and more. Check it out!

8. The New Order: Last Days of Europe

Millennium Dawn Mod Download

While we’ve gone all the way back to the beginning of the first World War, The New Order: Last Days of Europe takes the opposite approach.

This time we’re thrown all the way to 1962, twenty years after the events of WWII.

The German Reich still reigns supreme. But Hitler is seeing his last days on his deathbed. Meanwhile, events across the United States, Asia, and Europe are struggling as well.

Tensions are high and the balance is about to be tipped – who knows what could happen next.

This mod contains tons of new content, including 10 years’ worth of content for the German campaign, and another 5 for England.

7. Equestria at War

Equestria at War is surely the strangest entry you’re going to find on this list – or even on the entire Steam Workshop, for that matter.

As explained in the description:

“Equestria at War is a mod that tries to recreate the fantasy world of Equestria from My Little Pony franchise in a slightly darker setting with industrialization, corruption and political disagreements.”

Wait, what??

Don’t let the ppearance fool you. Many consider this to be one of the best mods you can get for Hearts Of Iron 4.

But it will not feel anything like a typical HOI4 playthrough, that’s for sure.

6. End of a New Beginning – Official Version

Now here’s another unique one – End of a New Beginning.

The team features too many names to mention, which isn’t surprising considering how big this mod is.

As opposed to other mods who choose to focus on specific time periods of history, this one aims to cover a whole three centuries between the American Civil War and the modern era.

While the mod is still in its early stages, the mod team has loads of content planned for a future release. So it might be a good idea to keep an eye on this one.

5. Hearts of Oak

Hearts of Oak takes yet another approach, this time focusing on improving what Hearts Of Iron 4 already has to offer instead of expanding anything and everything…

We get these improvements mostly by touching up the tech trees, focus trees, designers, and advisors, among other changes to make for a more balanced HOI4 experience.

Another major change here is that the AI has been tweaked to keep your playthroughs as engaging as possible.

If you don’t want to change things up too much, but still want the feeling of fresh eyes, this is a great way to go.

4. BlackICE Historical Immersion Mod

Many fans would argue that any HOI4 mods list isn’t complete without the mention of BlackICE.

Before we get into it though, BlackICE is mainly targeted towards the more seasoned HOI4 players. As it offers a difficulty level that beginners probably won’t enjoy.

With that, the mod is a complete overhaul that adds in tons of new units, equipment types, and vehicles.

Beyond that, focus trees and the political system have been enhanced as well to provide players with more options when it comes to managing their nation during wartime.

The mod team warns that the amount of content available here will demand dedication and attention from any player, so be sure you’re ready before heading into a game of BlackICE.

3. Old World Blues

Old World Blues is another mainstay towards the top of most HOI4 mod lists. It aims to merge the game with another popular video game series: Fallout.

While you might be thinking that that would make for a pretty strange combination, it actually works out pretty well.

The mod takes us way forward to year 2275, and places us directly into the Fallout universe.

As expected, the world is in a post-apocalyptic state. But the conflict is far from over.

You’re given a completely reworked map of North America as your setting, along with a couple new unit types, an overhauled tech tree, and tons of new gameplay mechanics to explore.

If you’re a Fallout fan, or a fan of anything with a post-apocalyptic theme for that matter, you should definitely give this one a go.

2. Millennium Dawn: Modern Day Mod

We get yet another unique experience here with Millennium Dawn: Modern Day.

It aims to combine all of the best modern mods for Hearts Of Iron 4 into one complete package. And I’d say it succeeds!

This is probably the best modern HOI4 experience you’re going to get, with completely new tech trees, economic and political systems, and mechanics to match the timeframe.

You’ll have to worry about things like national taxation and debt, as well as international influence. This all adds depth to the game that’s hard to find elsewhere.

All in all, if you’re looking for a modern HOI4 experience to get you playing again, this is where to start.

1. Kaiserreich

Hearts Of Iron 3 Mods

And taking the top of our list we have Kaiserreich.

There’s no question that Kaiserreich is one of the most well-loved mods in the HOI community, and with good reason.

Steam Hearts Of Iron 4 Mods

Kaiserreich has been around since Hearts Of Iron II, each time posing the exact same question: what if Germany had won World War 1?

This mod is packed with content. It offers a rich alternate history with tons of possible outcomes that you probably can’t even begin to imagine.

Finding out what might happen next is already so interesting… but the mod features lots of other changes to discover, including a new political system, focus trees, and even unique graphics upgrades.

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