Crossfit Endurance 12 Week Program Pdf

Click Here to Start the New Beginner Workouts

To kick off the new cycle of Beginner Workouts here on Breaking Muscle, I want to talk about the plan, the goal, and the principles that the program is designed around so that achieving your goals is not only realistic, but guaranteed.

But first, we need to figure out what exactly it means to me to be a beginner in the realm of strength and conditioning in order to understand how I'm approaching this program.

Program Overview 2 Methodology OnRamp Training Guide The CrossFit Mudtown New Athlete Training Guide is a collection of CrossFit material and images of the foundational movements and methodology of CrossFit. The OnRamp Course provides those completely new to CrossFit the knowledge and skills to begin their health and fitness journey in CrossFit. . 84% coach CrossFit. 33% have jobs outside of the gym environment. 69% have 3-5yrs experience doing CF. Average of 8 years playing sports prior to CrossFit. Dedicate an average of 15hrs to training each week. Spread over an average of 9 sessions/week. Average of 5 rest days per month (not including active rest).

Who Is a Beginner?

To me, a beginner is a clean slate. You could be a person who was once active, fell off the wagon, and is looking for a safe, effective way of regaining your fitness. A beginner is also someone who may not know his or her way around the gym and couldn't tell a dumbbell from a barbell or a kettlebell from a cowbell. And lastly, a beginner is a person who doesn't have a solid foundation of quality movement and overall strength on which to base all future training.

And all of these things are okay! And even if the aforementioned definition doesn't describe you, that doesn't mean there won't be takeaways for you in this program, as there is always room to improve upon existing skills and strengths.

The Plan

  • Create a three time per week routine that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely (if you are familiar with SMART goals, you will enjoy this training protocol).
  • Allow the workouts to be scalable based on starting points and overall fitness levels.
  • Keep the workouts accessible with minimal equipment requirements.
  • Keep each workout as simple as possible by focusing on three essential skills based on fundamental movements.
  • Build a foundation of mobility, stability, strength, and endurance through quality movement that is systematic in its approach and progressions.

The Goal

Specific: In twelve weeks, the goal is to be able to perform the movements listed below to the minimum standard. If you are safely able to perform more, be smart about moving up. Don't perform a rep unless you are 100% certain you can complete it.

Measurable (Minimum Standards):

  • 5-10 goblet squats with a 12kg/25lb weight if you are a female, and a 16kg/35lb weight if you are a male.
  • 100 kettlebell swings in 10 minutes (again, 12kg for females, 16kg for males)
  • A Turkish get up with either arm (12kg for females, 16kg for males)


  • Go from practicing bodyweight squats to performing weighted full-depth goblet squats within twelve weeks.
  • Improve your kettlebell swing technique, strength, and endurance to being able to perform 100 in 10 minutes.
  • Learn the foundation of Turkish get up technique and work up slowly to the minimum standard weights by the end of the twelfth week.

Relevant: The skills learned will become the foundation of further training programs. Consider these three exercises as the basis of all training you do from here on, as they will promote balance, mobility, stability, and strength.

Timely: You will be performing at the minimum standard within twelve weeks.

By developing a solid base of these three skills, you are setting yourself up for long-term health and success in your strength training endeavors. These will groove hip and back mobility, strength, and power, as well as shoulder mobility, stability, and strength.


Before we get started on skill building, be honest with yourself. Do you have joint or muscle pain at rest? Do you have shoulder pain with overhead reaching? Do you have pain with deep knee or hip bending? Do you have a history of low back pain or dysfunction?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, do yourself a favor and find yourself a Selective Functional Movement Assessment certified clinician who can take a look at your issues. I promise that undertaking a new exercise program with knowledge of existing pain never ends well. Check the ego at the door, suck it up, and go get help from a professional.

If you didn't answer yes to any of the above, yet are serious about staying injury free, seek out a Functional Movement Screen specialist who can screen and evaluate your needs as an individual. Keep in mind, no matter how good my programming may be, a generalized program may not work for you, and it's you that matters the most.

Finally, if you have been inactive for a long time and/or are over 65 years of age, consult your physician on whether any exercise program is right for you at this time. (The lawyers make me say this! But it's true.)

Minimum Equipment Needs

  1. An injury-free body (training with an existing injury and hoping it will get better with exercise is usually a shortcut to further pain. Don't do it).
  2. A brain that is able to listen to what its body is telling it (and stop before a problem occurs).
  3. A foam roller of your choice.
  4. A pair of quality training shoes, or no shoes at all. Chuck Taylors, Adidas Sambas, Vibram Five Fingers, even a basic pair of Van's casual shoes would work, as long as they have flat soles. Under no circumstances are running shoes allowed if you care about your lower back health.
  5. A kettlebell or kettlebells. For women an 8kg and 12kg should work just fine. For men, a 12kg and 16, possibly a 20kg depending should do the trick. Although this may not apply to everyone, so adjust accordingly.
  6. A lightweight dowel or towel rod.
  7. A space of about 8'x8' to conduct your training sessions.

The Movements

The Hinge

A hinge is a fold at the hips. Imagine chopping your hands in to your hip flexors, like Pavel Tsatsouline always says. Chop into those hip creases to get your rear end moving backwards. Continue pushing it backwards as far as it will go, until you feel a stretch in the backs of your thighs. Let your knees bend as the stretching increases, but don't sit down. At the end of your hinge, your shinbones should be completely vertical, you should feel lots of stretching in those hamstrings, and you should be tall in your spine.

The Squat

A squat is a bend at the hips and knees, where the goal is to get an equal amount of bend in each. Imagine stumbling in to the bathroom late at night, fumbling for the light switch as you sit down on the pot. If you don't reach your bum back far enough as you sit down, and you just let your knees push forward over your toes, chances are you'll land with a resounding plop or miss the seat entirely! Squat by reaching your butt back behind you as far as it goes and sitting down as you do so. Your hips, knees, and feet should remain in alignment with each other, meaning that your knees should not be caving in.

The Get Up

Explained as simply as possible, the get up is a way of starting in a lying position, getting up to standing, and then returning to the start position, all while maintaining a weight up and overhead. It is a complex movement that will be grooved slowly and systematically in order to ensure safety when going overhead with weight.

Crossfit Endurance Pdf

The Correctives aka The 'Catch-Alls'

Chances are if you're starting a new program with the intent to gain some new movement skills, strength, and endurance, you'll need a few drills to help you perform above movements better. My go-to movements are the following:

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch with Pry

If done correctly, this drill will loosen up the hip flexors (of which there are many) and quadriceps muscles, which in most people are tighter and weaker than they should be. Set up in a half-kneeling position with one knee down and one knee up. When you are kneeling, tuck your butt underneath you as much as possible (imagine you're tilting your belly button up towards your nose). Use a dowel, towel rod, or some kind of stick you can use to pry into the ground as you stretch. One important point to remember is to keep your weight on the big toe of the back foot (i.e. keep it dorsiflexed) - a relaxed (plantarflexed) foot will shut off much of the stretch.


This drill is to promote good posture and better squat depth by loosening the hip joints and surrounding tissues. There are many ways to do rocking, and they are all good. Start on all fours, your hips over your knees, and your shoulders over your hands. If you mess up the start position this drill will be worthless, so make sure to nail it every time. Stay long in your spine, get your crown of your head up as high as it will go, and rock your butt back towards your heels while maintaining this posture. If you do it correctly, you should be able to balance a water bottle or tennis ball on the small of your back without dropping it as you rock your butt back toward your heels. If you drop it a lot, you're probably rounding your back. Don't. Play with toes up, toes down, wide knees, narrower knees, etc., but keep the posture the same always.

Stick Windmill

This is an excellent drill to open up the thoracic spine as well as solidify the quality of your hip hinge. Stand hip width apart with your dowel resting on your shoulders, with your hands just above your elbows. Place the heel of one foot in line with the toes of the other, while maintaining your hip width stance. Hinge at the hips as far as you can. When you can no longer hinge deeper, rotate your nearest elbow towards the front knee, with the goal being to pry the elbow inside the knee to get the upper back to open up. Make sure not to shift the hips from side to side as you turn. A good tip is to grip the dowel with fists and actively squeeze your shoulder blades back and down. This will open up the t-spine even more without the chance of you shrugging your shoulders as you twist.

Scapular Wall Slide

The scapular wall slide is another excellent shoulder mobility drill, as it will open up the thoracic spine and activate the muscles in the upper and mid back to help improve posture, and allow you to get overhead more safely. Set up in a standing position with your butt, back, and head all touching the wall. Your feet are okay to be out in front of you as much as necessary. Make fists and rest your knuckles on the wall with your fists directly above your elbows. Actively pull down as deeply as possible while maintaining elbow and knuckle contact with the wall, then return by sliding them back up the wall as high as you can go while maintaining contact.

That's it! Four drills will be all that is necessary to cover our bases for this program, as long as you adhere to them exactly as they are designed.

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HomePTThe 9 Week Crossfit Strength Program (Part 1)

If you’ve done Crossfit for any length of time, you understand that strength is a critical component to your overall performance. Chances are that you’ve stalled out with your strength gains, or you don’t really understand how to get stronger and not lose ground with your metabolic conditioning. This program is designed to do exactly that. It’s primarily a strength plan, with just enough conditioning to maintain what you’ve already built. Keep reading to see the full plan.

Crossfit Equipment; Resistance Bands; Dip Belts. Achieve his most dramatic transformation yet—results that even surpassed those he previously achieved in the original 12-Week Hardcore Video Trainer. Day 1: 197.8 pounds, 22 percent body fat. Day 85: 175.5 pounds, 12.5 percent body fat. I've done this program twice and have had amazing. Training Plans. Using a Training Plan is a great way to set your goals, whether it is Crossfit, weightlifting or gymnastics! Our Training plan directory features programs from the most experienced coaches. Free 12-Week Beginner Workout Program - Get Started! The foundation of Turkish get up technique and work up slowly to the minimum standard weights by the end of.

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This program was primarily designed to be a continuation of the 12 week muscular endurance cycle, so I highly recommend you check that out prior to starting this plan, as it will prepare you very well for the high volume you will be doing in this plan.

This brings me to my next point about this plan. This is for experienced crossfitters. You need to have a significant strength base, and solid technique to try this plan. If that’s not you it’s ok, you just don’t need this much volume and intensity to progress, which is a good thing.

You should probably be able to meet or exceed most of these standards, if you are going to find success with this program. If you want to see the full ranking system for crossfitters click here.

On a side note, you’ll probably find that some of the deadlift and squat weights become very challenging as you progress. I’ve had great luck with lever belts, like this one made by Inzer (Amazon Affiliate Link). These types of belts are way better than your standard foam an nylon types for heavy lifting.

Crossfit Program Design

The Strength Plan

As a professional internet weirdo, who happens to program crossfit training, I know that there are loads of other people that are more knowledgeable about strength training than I am. One such company is Stronglifts.


I’ve used some of their programs in the past and have found them to very well thought out, as well as effective. That is why we will be using their excellent Stronglifts 5×5 advanced plan for our strength work.

Movierulz. The Stronglifts plan is an advanced version of the 5×5 plan we all know and love. It is; however, a plan for those wishing to only gain strength. So I’ve taken it upon myself to program crossfit WOD’s, and other conditioning work, around this plan to tailor it specifically for crossfitters.

If you want to learn the same step by step method I used to create this program, check out the ebook below!

Before you get started, you need to read their article and download their free spreadsheet, which gives you the exact sets and reps you will need to do for the strength work. All you have to do is put in your current maxes, which you will have if you finished the muscular endurance cycle, thats linked above.

Let’s get into the program!

Week 1

This week is going to be the easiest week in terms of strength training, which has allowed me to keep the WOD difficulty fairly high. You’ll notice that there is one dedicated snatch day each week to allow you to work on your technique and neuromuscular efficiency, with the lift most crossfitters have trouble with.

You will also notice that Thursdays are conditioning only days, with no extra strength training. This is for a couple of reasons. First, you need some recovery from the heavy lifting, and conditioning can help speed that recovery. Secondly, we will need these days to keep us from loosing our base of conditioning we’ve already built.

Note that you can pick whatever modality you want, run, bike, row, assault bike, etc. Generally I recommend picking bike, row, or assault bike as those will have the least impact on the strength portion of the program.

If you like free crossfit programing, and want to get more articles sent right to you, then click here to join the Tier Three Team. If you don’t, I bet you wear cutoff jean jackets everywhere.

Week 2

This week increases the total strength volume, and the WOD volume is held roughly the same as the previous week. We do see some higher skill moves in there, such as muscle ups. If you can’t do these movements scale to the next hardest version, i.e chest to bars for muscle ups.

We’ve also added in some back off sets on Tuesday, so we can continue to work the snatch. We have also increased the length of the cardio on Thursday. I definitely recommend that you stick with the same modality each week. Don’t run on week one, then bike this week etc.

Week 3

This week is going to be hard strength training wise. You’ll probably find that you’re taking about 45 minutes or so to get through the strength portion, which is why the WOD is generally held to 10 minutes or less. This will allow you the best chance of recovering from the difficult strength training.

It’s worth noting that just because this program has you doing the strength and the WOD in one session, there is no reason why you can’t do an AM and PM session if your schedule allows. This will of course take more overall time, but it is probably superior in terms of allowing maximum recovery between sessions.

Week 4

This is going to be the highest volume week for strength training in the whole cycle. These weights are very challenging, so you will need to take a minimum of 3 min or so between those heavy sets. That’s roughly 40 minutes of rest between sets! Remember, the point here is to move the weight with perfect form, not jack your heart rate up.

Anime viewfinder sub indo. This is the last week before the deload on week 5. Here, I’ve done my best to pick WODs and movements that won’t impact your strength work, but there’s no way around this killer week.

Week 5

Ah, at last we have a reprieve from the heavy, heavy weights. This is a deload week, so the volume has been cut down, and so has some of the intensity. You will notice that the WODs aren’t super hard, but they’re pretty difficult.

This week is for recovery, so even though some of the WODs are still pretty heavy, and challenging, that doesn’t mean you have to go balls to the wall. Feel free to execute these WODs a little slower than your max. Remember this whole cycle is for strength, not metabolic conditioning!

If you like Tier Three Tactical, and you want all your friends and family to know it immediately, check out our store! It’s not weird I promise!

Final Thoughts

This is the first 5 weeks of a total of 9 weeks in the cycle. This will be difficult, but there is no way to accumulate strength without struggle and strain. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below.

If you finished this then you kick ass, and should continue to part two of the program. Startech usb to hdmi mac driver.

Photo credit: TerryGeorge. via VisualHunt / CC BY-NC-SA

This is one of my older programs. I haven’t put together a separate drop box program for this. There is a download that links to Strong lifts for the strength stuff. It’s going to take you to their site where you can download the strength work. Hope that helps

I never thought I would feel and look better than I ever have AFTER having 2 kids! I’ve always lived a healthy lifestyle and be involved with athletics but even though I continued doing CrossFit throughout my pregnancy with Baylor, I still gained 60 pounds!! Filmes biblicos completos em portugues online. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN!?! Straight up people…I have no idea! Pregnancy was one of the most beautiful, amazing, glorious blessings I have been able to experience but it was also one of the hardest things that my bodies been through PHYSICALLY .

After having my little boy, I knew I had a long way to go…and after months and months of clean eating and CrossFit workouts, the weight came off! TO LEARN MORE ABOUT MY JOURNEY (CLICK HERE) Then after my baby weight was off I set new goals and continued to lose weight! This journey has been the most empowering and fulfilling experience!

Crossfit Endurance 12 Week Program

I have fought many mental battles and although some battles were lost, the weight lose war was won! (yes, I am adding cheesy figurative language to this post) I’m not anywhere near done and with each goal accomplished, I eat a cupcake, and make more goals!! About 9 months ago my husband and I sadly said goodbye to our CrossFit gym that we were attending and started building a CrossFit gym in our garage! (CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE) and (HERE TOO!) We have learned SO much over the last 9 months and it’s been SO fun to share some of that with all of you!!

In October I was asked to speak about my fitness journey at the Pinners Conference in Salt Lake City, UT!! I decided to make my class all about HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT WITH YOUR BUSY SCHEDULE! I knew all too well about trying to lose the weight with everything INCLUDING working part time outside the home! This class was a way for me to finally blog about and document all I had been doing within the last year to transform my body! READ PART 1: NUTRITION, PART 2: EXERCISE, PART 3: PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER


As much as I LOVE my CrossFit garage gym, I soon realized that even those posts about my at-home gym weren’t being AS helpful as they could be! I mean some of you women might not have a garage to workout in, or a husband that has time to bust out a DIY pull-up bar, or maybe you’re a home body and you want to find a way to get results in the COMFORT of your own home! A friend of my, Kristen from Capturing Joy with Kristen Duke (you guys need to head over to her blog to get a 6 week check list printable) emailed me about 2 months ago, asking me to put together a 6 week CrossFit inspired at-home plan that didn’t require any equipment other than some hand weights and a jump rope!!

Crossfit Endurance 6 Week Plan

Let’s be completely honest here guys, this was tough! But with my husbands help, we bested it out and sent it her way!! Now that she has started her journey I cannot wait to share with you what we came up with! Whoever you are and whatever your story may be, this new PINNABLE 6 week at-home CrossFit plan is sure to benefit even the fittest person!

My husband and I have personally put together EVERY ONE of these workouts and let me just say right now, they are tough!! I did the workout already for today and it was HARD!! BUT, that’s the point!! I want all of you to strive to do your best during these workouts and if you have to modify it a bit than you can!!

There are 6 workouts a week on this plan…if you haven’t worked out a day in your life…this will kill you. I mean it will physically make you die! HAHA JK…but it will be really tough, SO…the biggest part about this plan is to SET GOALS!! Set yourself a goal to workout 3 times a week at first and than increase to 4 times a week as you go through this program!! I will be here for you every step of the way!! Email me your questions if you’re not sure what a specific movement is or how to do it! When I’m not able to make it to the gym, I will do one of these workouts with you all and post about it! There is NO REASON we can’t gain inspiration from each other every step of the way! Follow me on instagram @simplysadiejane to gain some motivation and drive!

I want to follow your 6 week journey as well!!! Post about it by using the hashtag #6weekstofab

Remember to PIN this to your pinterest board and email me for any questions!

HUGE SHOUTOUT to my best gal pal Rachael for putting this AMAZING image together for me! She’s like the photoshop queen!!


4 Week Strength Program For Crossfit Pdf

WOD: means Workout Of Day

…and the number sequence 5-5-5-5-5 or 21-15-9 means how many times you do that movement so for the Day 1: STRENGTH you do 5 rounds of 5 weighted squats and for the WOD portion: you do 21 jumping squats, 21 pushups, 21 mountain climber and 21 situps…THEN…you do 15 of all those and then 9!!!

EMOM: Every Minute On the Minute! So if you have to do 10 burpees EMOM, you start at the beginning of one minute and BUST OUT those 10 burpees then rest UNTIL the start of the next minute!!

DOUBLE UNDERS: this is just jump roping but you swing the jump rope twice under your feet when you jump up! This took me MONTHS to master! Singles work great as well!

Crossfit Endurance Workout Programs

Does that make sense?…email if you have any questions!

CrossFit Warm Up

First let’s warm up! Your warm up is so important. Warming up will help prevent injury. You can use my CrossFit warm up or choose one of your own.

12 Week Crossfit Program Pdf 2017


I ended up making a really ghetto video that explains all the movements involved in the at-home workouts! ENJOY!